Thursday, December 5, 2013


*Sigh* Well I was suppose to do a post every week about the things I was thankful for last month, but I only did one week. :( 

Since its already December and Thanksgiving has come and gone (once again), I'll just do a quick list of the top things I'm most thankful for..

  1. My Heavenly Father who sent his Son to earth, to die on a cross and take all my sins away. :D 
  2. My Amazing and Wonderful Husband, don't know where I'd be without him. We've been through some rough spots, He has seem me at my worst and yet he is still here. I don't know what I did to deserve him. I love him so much! <3
  3. Our Sweet little Boy, Gideon, he always makes us laugh and smile, I'm very blessed to have him (and his Daddy) in my life. <3
  4. All the rest of my Family that's out there, I'd name them all but that would be a lot of names :P 
  5. All my Friends, especially the ones who have gotten me through some hard times in the past. Y'all are awesome!        And Last but Definitely not Least.....
  6. The momma's from my Mommy Group, we've been through our pregnancies, births, late nights, first birthdays and for some second Pregnancies. They are almost like a second Family to me. <3

I seriously can't believe that December is already here!! WHERE HAS THIS YEAR GONE?!?!?!?!????
This time last year Gideon could barely crawl now he's walking everywhere and hardly ever crawls anymore. He's growing up so fast! :') 

Speaking of Gideon, he's up now so I better get off so we can go have breakfast. ;) 
Hopefully next time I post something it won't be a month from now. :P 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Angels Among Us

Thought I'd let y'all know, I added to my story a little bit. It's not a lot right now, but it's what I've got.
Please lemme know what y'all think of it so far :) here's the link to it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Things I'm Thankful for Week 1

Well its finally November, which means Thanksgiving is almost here, and for those of you who have Facebook (or even Google+) you may be seeing some of your friends postings things they are thankful for for the next few weeks. I decided that instead of doing it on Facebook or Google+ I'm going to do it on my that it also gives me something to post about. Though instead of doing it once a day I may just do it once a week, not really sure just yet. :)

This week I'm Thankful for: The simple everyday things in my life like- Cars, AC, Heating, Lights, Running water, a Bed, Blankets, TV, things like that. We have these on a day to day basis and don't really think twice about it, when really we should be very thankful we can have such things in our lives. Because there are people out there who don't/can't have them, some maybe happy without those things but there are others who wished they had them. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

What's going on...

It's been almost 20 days since I last posted something here, so I figured I'd better post something even if its not that much.

There's really not a lot going on right now, just the same ol' same ol' stuff. Mr. K works, I stay home with baby, on his days off we might go shopping or do something or we might stay home; just depends on what he feels like doing. :)
Though the other day we went to Hobby Lobby, we both love it there! They just have amazing things there. I really can't wait until we get a house and are able to totally decorate it how we want. :)
Today was suppose to be Mr. K's day off from work but yesterday they asked if he could come in since they're short handed. It's nice on the pay check but I still don't like it that much. :-/ So I'm painting my nails, working on my stories, posting on my blogs while the baby is still sleeping and then later I'm goin' to just relax and hang around the house until he gets home. I even rented the next few discs to the TV series I've been watching lately: White Collar. Since today is Sabbath I probably won't be doing too much, I'll be doing most of the cleaning and shopping tomorrow anyways.
Thanksgiving is next month, I can't wait! It's one of my favorite Holidays :) and this year Hanukkah starts the day after Thanksgiving. :) It's going to be Awesome!

Our son Gideon is walking more and more each day, he hardly crawls at all anymore. It's just really amazing how fast he's growing up, its been very bitter sweet watching it the past few months.
Before bed he likes to run around the house with a stuffed animal with our Dog Knight chasing him, Gideon thinks its totally hilarious and will sometimes roll on the floor while he laughs. It's so cute, Mr. K and I get a kick outta it. It's amazing what he finds entertaining, sadly I think he takes after me in that area, being easily entertained with the littlest things. :P

Monday, October 7, 2013

Camping experience

Wow...yea I'm really doin a bad job with keeping up with this blog. Sorry. :/
We had a really awesome time at Sukkot! :D It rained the first day but for the rest of the time it was pretty nice other then being cold during most nights. We had bible studies in the morning, and Praise & Worship w/dance at night. During the day it was mostly free time, sides from prayer meetings, dance class and one day we had a canning class.
Some of our friends were there, and we got to meet some new ones also. :) They had a couple hiking trails there so we went for lots of walks.
Even though its nice to be in my own comfy bed, I really miss the outdoors! It was very relaxing and nice; even if there were a lot of ants. :P
Gideon loved it, he really got better with his walking while we were there too. He loved exploring all the new things, and he was a trooper when it came to the ants, hardly cried at all when they would bite him, and he got a lot of them, poor baby.
Mr. K was extra happy to be outta the city for awhile, now that we're back he really misses the trees that were there.
Another thing I really liked was I hardly had to cook or do dishes there! Matt did most the cooking and cleaning up afterwards and I made sure the tent, car, and picnic area stayed clean and/or organized. AND... He helped change diapers too!! O.O (his least favorite job) it was pretty awesome ;)
Do to the burn ban, we didn't get to roast a lot of our hot dogs but onces it lifted we did have smores several times. :) Since we used marshmallow cream we had to improvise, so the first night we snaked a twizzler on the roasters then dipped it in the cream, but after that we bought 3 marketeers and put them on the roasters instead. It was actually really good both times :) also I had a very hard time not eating the marshmallow cream with a spoon, I just couldn't put it down. It was sad. :P
All in all it was a really great and wonderful time!!! :D

Sorry for the Delay

Hey y'all.... I just want to say sorry its taking so long to get the next part of my story up. When on the camping trip I didn't really work on it at all so I'm try to play catch-up, and try to get through some writers block as well. As soon as I get some more written I'll post it, I promise. I just might take a little longer then I'd like it too.
Again I'm sorry it taking so long!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Feast Days

Well as some of you know..and some probably don't know..we keep the Feast Days that are in the Bible-like, Passover, Sukkot, Day of Atonement, Hanukkah, ect.

The ones coming up soon are Feast/Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Sukkot. I'm not totally looking forward to Day of Atonement since we fast for the whole day, but hey I think it'll do me some good. And plus I got to keep in mind that it's not a Day for us but for our Heavenly Father. :)
The one I'm really looking forward to is Sukkot; a whole week of camping, its going to be fun! Also we get to go with some friends and a lot of other Believers to a campground for the whole week, its going to be Great! :)

I think Sukkot is definitely one of my favorite Holidays along with Thanksgiving, Fourth of July and Hanukkah! :) 
I enjoy Sukkot mostly when we get to go camping (and not just in our front yard either) and get together with other like minded believers, Thanksgiving cause it brings family together, Fourth of July cuz its in the Summer :P plus we get to do fireworks and sometimes go to the Lake, and Hanukkah because that also brings the family together plus you get to give gifts-which is always fun :D  

Gideon is still kinda young right now so he probably won't remember any of the Holidays/Feast Days that we've done so far or know exactly what we are doing right now, but I'm hoping he'll enjoy them when he gets older as much has he seems to enjoy them now. :)