Saturday, November 2, 2013

Things I'm Thankful for Week 1

Well its finally November, which means Thanksgiving is almost here, and for those of you who have Facebook (or even Google+) you may be seeing some of your friends postings things they are thankful for for the next few weeks. I decided that instead of doing it on Facebook or Google+ I'm going to do it on my that it also gives me something to post about. Though instead of doing it once a day I may just do it once a week, not really sure just yet. :)

This week I'm Thankful for: The simple everyday things in my life like- Cars, AC, Heating, Lights, Running water, a Bed, Blankets, TV, things like that. We have these on a day to day basis and don't really think twice about it, when really we should be very thankful we can have such things in our lives. Because there are people out there who don't/can't have them, some maybe happy without those things but there are others who wished they had them. 

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